Avid Aesthetics_Main Logo | Avid Aesthetics and Wellness | Puyallup, Washington



Kybella is the first and the only FDA-approved treatment to dissolve fat under the chin permanently, also known as submental fullness or “double chin.” Multiple sessions are recommended depending on unique/individual anatomical presentation. The provider will evaluate at the first visit if you are a proper candidate for this procedure.

The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid, a naturally-occurring molecule found in the body that breaks down and absorbs fat. When injected into the submental fat, Kybella destroys fat cells, leading to a more defined jawline and a slimmer, youthful appearance.

Generally, the results of Kybella are permanent, as the fat cells destroyed by Kybella will not regenerate. Kybella is an effective and safe procedure that has been studied in clinical trials with good results.


Benefits of Kybella


Cheek Filler / Midface


It is possible to enhance the appearance of the cheeks and mid-face by using dermal fillers. As a result of this treatment, the nasolabial folds are also reduced (laughter lines).

Lip Plump


No matter how much volume you need or how full your lips are, we have the right treatment for you. Depending on your goals, we will determine the best filler for you.

Nasolabial Fold (Smile / Laugh line) Filler


Dermal fillers are used to soften the appearance of the nasolabial folds, also known as smile or laugh lines. A cheek or midface filler is often necessary to lift and remove the weight from the nasolabial folds.

Lip Hydrate / Anti-Aging Filler


As we age, our lips lose volume, making us appear older. The use of lip fillers around the mouth can soften vertical lines and hydrate the lips. You can quickly restore the plumpness and youthful appearance of your lips with this treatment!

Chin Augmentation


Age causes us to lose bone and soft tissue in our lower faces. To augment the chin, we use dermal fillers to give the face shape and definition. Chin augmentation is also useful for smoothing out cleft chins.

Lower face (Under / Around Mouth) Fillers


Injectable dermal fillers are commonly used to revitalize the lower face, by filling in the fine lines around the mouth. The treatment is completely customized based on your needs and goals.

Jawline Filler


A sculpted jawline appeals to both men and women, and some people want their jawline and chin to be more prominent. Using jawline fillers, we can enhance the definition of your face! The lower face can also benefit from fillers to help reduce the effects of age-related volume loss.

Temple Filler


The loss of fat in your temple areas results in a “hollow” appearance as you age. Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers can be used to fill in hollows and restore volume to temples and brows.

Dissolve Filler


Are you dissatisfied with the look of the dermal filler you received from another provider? Our team at Avid Aesthetics and Wellness can help! Contact us today to schedule a quick and painless dermal filler removal. Prices will vary by the area treated.


Kybella is approved for use in adults 18 and older to reduce the appearance of fat beneath the chin. Kybella is an excellent option for patients who are looking for a non-surgical solution to reduce submental fullness. As with any injectable treatment, it is important to consult with a qualified and experienced provider to ensure the best results.

The number of Kybella treatments necessary will depend on the patient and the severity of their double chin. On average, most people need between two and four treatments to achieve their desired results.

Results can typically be seen after two to four treatments, with maximum results appearing several months after the final treatment.

The results of Kybella are permanent, as the fat cells destroyed by Kybella will not regenerate.

Avid Aesthetics_Icon | Avid Aesthetics and Wellness | Puyallup, Washington


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